Friday, July 31, 2020

Mindless Investing for Anyone - A Coinbits review

Like 99% of the world, I was behind on capitalizing on the Bitcoin opportunity.  I also missed out on Amazon, Facebook (which I owned day one), etc. etc.

One day, I came across a idea from Coinbits.  They're idea is to use automated micro-investing allowing their users to purchase small amounts of Bitcoin weekly.  I'm sure you've heard of Bank of America's Keep The Change program, where they round up the "change" from your purchases and add it to your Savings Account.  Same concept only, Coinbits invests that amount in Bitcoin.  Simple and you don't have to touch it, once setup.

I gave it a whirl.  After all, it's only using spare change.  Normally I collect that in a jar with some pocket fuzz.

Anyway, I took a look the other day, thinking the downturn following the Covid Pandemic would be apparent, but I was quite surprised:

I'm no financial wiz but I believe a 32% return is pretty good.
Not bad for doing nothing with little risk.

Needless to say, I highly recommend Coinbits

More than 3,700,000 people are currently using our very same investment strategy in other asset classes because it's low-risk.
By making micro-investments over time you can use one of the most successful investment strategies known to mitigate risk of loss called dollar-cost averaging.

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