Friday, August 12, 2011

3 on a Beach

This is a game I have to share with the rest of the world.  It can be played anywhere, anytime, by anyone with nothing but imagination.  It originated oh, some 20 or so years ago.  I think Gene Marotta came up with the idea, but I could be wrong about that.

Let me get to the point.  Imagine you're hanging out on the beach, and you happen to glance towards the entrance...and see the most unlikely trio of people to be seen together, carrying a beach blanket, cooler, umbrella, sandals, etc. etc. etc.  The point is, never in a million years would you expect these 3 to be mentioned in the same breath, let alone spending a day at the beach together.

It works best with people you know, however, I have to think globally and use famous people.  So let's say, for starters, you see Rachel Ray, Will Smith, and Lady Gaga.  Get the point?  It may seem stupid at first, but the more you do it, and the more obscure or unbelievable the grouping, the funnier it gets.  Mix height, weight, religion, sex, age, race, or whatever.

My friends and I have been doing this for years.  Not long ago, my wife and I started, and we've had loads of laughs since.  I personally think it's more hilarious when you can throw someone in there that goes by a single name like Madonna.  Or, perhaps, Betty White, Theresa Giudice, and CeeLo!

So my new twist to this, in this age of social media, is to try it on Twitter.  I'm going to use the hashtag #3oaB.  I'm anxious to see how this catches on, and the combinations that follow.  Enjoy, whether on Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Email, texting, phone, or just plain old fashioned in person conversation.

Try it!!!

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