Friday, August 19, 2011

Happiness is a Choice

Another of my many, many authored philosophical mottoes is, Happiness is a Choice.  What does that mean?  Just what is says.  You chose to be happy, or unhappy, just like you chose what you're going to wear.  I know it sounds a bit corny, but bear with me for a moment.

For instance:

A few years ago, I became extremely disgruntled at work.  It's easy to fall into a hole like that.  I felt underpaid, unappreciated, blah ba blah ba blah.  When I would arrive at work, if the small parking lot was full, I became infuriated.

How can there be no space for ME???
Why do others get to park here and I do not???
I should have me own space!!!

On and on it goes, and I enter the building with a large chip on my shoulder.

So it come to pass that I accept another job.  Not long after, I change my mind and decided to go return.  I'm not going to bore you with the details of the in-between, but one of my first days back, I pulled into the lot and there was no available space.  Uh oh.

Suddenly, I realized...I'm not angry.

What was the difference?

Same cars.
Same lot.
Same building.
Same people.
Same job.

The difference was me.  I allowed myself to get so irritated in the past for such a minor inconvenience.  After all, I'm younger than most of my colleagues and in decent shape.  I do not have any reasons or injuries that should keep me from walking a bit further.  So what was making me so angry?  Once again, ME!!!  The situation was exactly the same, yet I had a completely different reaction.

From that moment forward, I've tried to remind myself that I'm in control of the bulk of my emotions.  The only thing I truly accomplish by reacting negatively, is to make myself and those around me uncomfortable, irritable, unhappy, etc.  And do not think for one second that it's not contagious...either way.

So next time you feel rage rushing over you, ask yourself, do you have to be angry, or can you choose not to be?


  1. Happiness is based entirely on perspective. Good post.

  2. Great post! Good for you for gaining that perspective and sharing it with others. :)



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